Launch of The Literary Storefront book at the Western Front, 2015, Mona Fertig, Maxine Gadd, Judith Copithorne
Launches and Readings
Years of amazing Mother Tongue book events and celebrations
Launch Cake
MTP Display Salt Spring Library
Heritage Hall Vancouver, 111 WCLP Launch
Theresa Kishkan Book Launch Sechelt Library
Christina Johnson-Dean, Mona Fertig, UABC Book Launch in Victoria
Fiona Lam, Summer Book Launch, Sylvia Hotel
Marilyn Bowering's Book Launch, Victoria Golf Club
Audience at Nanaimo Museum book event
Audience at Ferry Gallery UABC launch in W. Van
Audience at Liverpool Lad book launch at Lions Hall, Salt Spring
Eufemia Fantetti, Mona Fertig, Book launch at Salt Spring Library
Mahon Hall Exhinition and Book Launch for 111 West Coast Literary Portraits
Life and Art of Mary Filer book launch at the Petley Jones Gallery, Vancouver
At the Victoria Butler Book Prizes with L-R, Linda Rogers, Patrick Friesen, Mona Fertig, Rhonda Ganz, Eve Jospeh, Rick Van Krugel
Gordon Cornwall, Claudia Cornwall, Mona Fertig, at City of Vancouver Arts/Book Awards
Audience at the Bowen Island Arts Council, launch of Joan Haggerty's novel The Dancehall Years
Love of the Salish Sea Islands launch on Hornby Island, L-R, Cornelia Hoogland, Amanda Hale, Ann Erikkson, Gary Geddes, Maureen Moore, Des Kennedy
launch cake
Love of the Salish Sea Islands launch on Gabriola Island, L-R, Mona Fertig, Peter Haase, M.C. Warrior, Maria Coffey, Katherine Palmer Gordon, Brenda Brooks, George Szanto
Celebration for Love of the Salish Sea Islands, in Victoria, FRONT ROW L-R: Linda Rogers, Peter Haase, Marion Cumming, Karen McLaughlin, Mona Fertig, Christina Johnson-Dean, BACK ROW: Michael Kenyon, Jack Hodgins, Bill's partner, Bill Deverell, Karen's partner
Book Launch for Love of the Salish Sea islands, Galiano Library, L-R, Steven Ross Smith, Cathy Ford, M.C. Warrior, Linda Rogers, Rick Van Krugel
BC Book Prize night, R-L, Back: Mona Fertig, Gurjinder Basran, Sheryl Salloum, Front: Daniela Elza, Jan Westendorp, Sophia Haase
Comox Library launch, L-R Standing, Kim Goldberg, Peter Such, Keith Harrison, Des Kennedy, Paula Wild, Rick James, FRONT, Joe Rosenblatt, Mona Fertig, Barry Peterson
Summer Book, launch at the Duthie Gallery Salt Spring, L-R, Jane Eaton Hamilton, Fiona Lam,Susan McCaslin, Briony Penn,Mona Fertig, Brian Brett, Peter Levitt, Pearl Luke